Advocacy Center

CACVT wields a profound influence through its advocacy efforts, championing the welfare of both animals and veterinary technicians alike. Through strategic initiatives and collaborative partnerships, CACVT navigates the intricate landscape of legislation and policy to enact meaningful change in the field of veterinary medicine. By amplifying the voices of registered veterinary technicians and promoting their essential role within the industry, CACVT elevates standards of care and fosters a culture of excellence and compassion. Through their tireless advocacy work, CACVT stands as a beacon of empowerment, driving progress and ensuring a brighter future for animals and those dedicated to their care in the state of Colorado.

The work CACVT does couldn't be achieved without the power of our 4000+ members and without your membership dues. Because CACVT was formed not only to credential veterinary technicians, but to engage in activities to improve the business conditions of our members, we will work tirelessly to advocate on behalf of veterinary technicians. Keep scrolling to see what we've been up to!

Our broad public policy and advocacy goals include:

  • Encouraging professional fulfillment through utilization and opportunity
  • Empowering all RVTs to be an integral part of the veterinary healthcare team and treatment planning
  • Inspiring personal and professional wellbeing to encourage a sustainable career path

2024: Post-Legislative Session

Ballot Initiative 144: Veterinary Telehealth

Position: Monitoring

Status and filing information

Proponents are currently collecting the over 120,000 signatures required for this initiative to be included on the November ballot.

Ballot Initiative 145: Establishing Qualifications and Registration for Veterinary Professional Associate 

Position: Oppose

In 2023, CACVT published a formal position statement on the creation of a mid-level practitioner. CACVT maintains this position regarding Ballot Initiative 145.

Status and filing information

Proponents are currently collecting the over 120,000 signatures required for this initiative to be included on the November ballot.




2024: Legislative Session

Bill Link/Status/Sponsors

Legislative Introduction

CACVT Role/Additional Information

HB24-1047: Veterinary Technician Scope of Practice

Position: Support

Status: Passed, signed by the Governor

Sponsors: K. McCormick (D) | M. Catlin (R) / D. Roberts (D) | C. Simpson (R)

CACVT will stay engaged in the subsequent rulemaking process with the State Board of Veterinary Medicine. The State Board must promulgate rules regarding HB24-1047's delegation and supervision section by September 1, 2025.

Concerning the scope of practice for veterinary technicians, and, in connection therewith, directing the state board of veterinary medicine to promulgate rules regarding the supervision of and the delegation of certain tasks to veterinary technicians, veterinary technician specialists, or other personnel by a licensed veterinarian and establishing a veterinary technician specialist designation.

CACVT worked to bring a wide range of organizations into the support coalition, including CVMA/AVMA, the animal agriculture groups, and the animal welfare groups.

HB 1047 clarified the types of supervision and expanded what RVTs and VTSs can do in identified areas of need such as dentistry, minor wound treatment, surgical incision closures, and the treatment of minor conditions. It allows for better utilization of RVTs and VTSs and provides important title protection for VTSs.

HB24-1048: Providing Veterinary Services Through Telehealth

Position: Monitor

Status: Passed, signed by the Governor

Sponsors: K. McCormick (D) | M. Martinez (D)/ J. Ginal (D) | B. Pelton (R)

Concerning the provision of veterinary services through telehealth. CACVT was neutral on HB 1048. The key point of this bill was to require an in-person visit to establish a VCPR. The animal welfare organizations strongly support a virtual VCPR and wanted to see that provision included in HB 1048. 

HB24-1047: State Income Tax Credit for Veterinary Professionals

Position: Support

Status: Failed

Sponsor: K. McCormick (D)

Concerning a state income tax credit for qualified individuals in the veterinary field.

This bill was brought forward to incentivize veterinary professionals to work in underserved or under-resourced areas. The bill passed the House Agriculture committee and out of House Finance, but the House Appropriations committee did not consider it, and it died on the calendar. 


 Regulatory and Legislative Resources coming soon!